We’re honored you’ve joined us and excited to share our journey!
It turns out securing Our rights is a little more tricky than initially hoped, and “Do No Harm” being very important. I've been road testing ideas since the swat style FBI raid we endured on April 28, 2021 and am finally comfortable to share tools I've discovered along the way.
Having had some direct experience now with the FBI. DHS, TSA, DOJ, courts, judges, attorneys, and with our own local boys in blue, (lots of men in uniform with guns are excited to talk to me these days!) I believe I can share some useful tactics AND some important cautions so Your learning curve is shortened.
But be forewarned! The nation has fallen very far from what we believed it to be and Securing Your Rights is not for the faint of heart since You will likely be perceived as threatening or even a “terrorist”!
Enforcers, just like the rest of us, have been seduced, tricked and coerced into following policy rather than lawful governance, so We The People have a LOT of work to do. It has become very evident since 2020 that there are people in high places who are really pulling the strings and that truly “we battle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers in high places.” Eph 6:12
The people in uniform are not our enemy. Some are bad apples for sure, but in My experience most want to be heroes yet are mistrained and being asked to do things that they are feeling worse and worse about but don’t know what to do about it.
Our Mission, should we choose to accept it, is to become educated and informed so that We The People can provide proper oversight, require lawful actions, and assist in educating officers and agents in their Oaths of Office, Constitution limits, and duties to The People… and help give them cause and tools to Stand With The People against the bullies back at the office who are expecting policy be enforced rather than The Law.
Benjamin Franklin, on leaving the constitutional convention of 1787, reportedly told a curious passerby that the Framers had produced “a republic, if you can keep it.” How true! I have great expectations that God has a plan and wants We The People to be an active part of it. So strap on your seatbelts because we’re in for a wild ride.
Welcome to the party! -Marilyn