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OUR FBI EXPERIENCE as it evolves in the news...

My Facebook post April 28th 2021
My original Facebook post that I made the evening after the FBI's morning raid on us and our home. After that one Facebook post You The People came to our aid and got the word out! We never reached out to anyone, you and the media reached in to us. We are so thankful for all of your encouragement and support!

On Top of the World / Chris Story / April 29th
Our interview begins 21:52 minutes into the live show titled "Optomism and a homeowner raided by the FBI' with Chris. Little known fact... the FBI visited Chris Story after leaving our home because Chris had taped an interview with my husband, Paul, right after Jan 6th about our experience at the capitol. They wanted to ask him a few questions too, but didn't involve breaking doors, handcuffing and stealing his stuff. Lucky guy! Chris reached out to us but was actually a little worried about our safety in having us on his show again, but we assured him that we wanted to share.

Suzanne Downing / Must Read Alaska / April 29th
Suzanne Downing of Must Read Alaska called and we quickly chatted while she got an article posted about our experience and really got the ball rolling as far as media reaching out to help us get our story out and get a sense of protection with people's eyes on us for accountability.

Alaska Watchman / Joel Davidson / April 29th
Alaska Watchman jumped onboard quickly with a quick chat over the phone with reporter Joel Davidson. They have a lot to do and are tryng to keep us all informed. Thanks Joel!

Anchorage Daily News / James Brooks / Aprl 29th
Anchorage Daily News called and I chatted with James Brooks who clearly leans to the left in his Jan 6th narrative but gives us a very fair shake in this initial newspaper article, which got picked up by dozens of major news outlets and republished nationally and even internationally. Wow! The power of 3 little words... Nancy Pelosi's laptop!

Bob Bird KSRM News / April 29th
Bob Bird reached out to us and was super kind and helped us share our story about the shocking FBI raid on our home. He may become a long term friend, we enjoyed getting to know him and he is super knowedgable about Alaska.

Must Read Alaska / Bob Bird / April 29th
Must Read Alaska published the first article on our experience. Bob Bird heard from some of you about our experence and did a live interview with us on his show 'A Bird's Eye View'. He also posted this article out of that interview we had with him. Must Read Alaska with Bob Bird and Suzanne Downing who are doing an amazing job of keeping Alaskans informed!

Dan Fagan Show Anchorage / April 30th
Dan Fagan opens with some great insights and comments about our experience for almost 15 minutes, then interviews us live at 52:05 minutes into the show.

The National Pulse / Raheem Kassam / April 30th
Raheem reached quickly reached out to us and invited us to share our story on his podcast. We could tell he researched and read our story before our interview. He has a fabulous British accent and is a delight to listen to! This is by far our best interview so far... due to the skill of Raheem and his passion for investigative journalism. If you only want to listen to one thing... listen to this one!

Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan / May 1st
We didn't hear directly from Dan Sullivan but he did post about it on his facebook, and his office has been in touch with us.

The Epoch Times / Zachary Stieber / May 1st
Our favorite news source and the ironically at 1:30pm on Jan 6th we were actually taking pics with Joshua Phillips from Epoch at the Ellipse fourty-five minutes away from the Capitol when I was 'supposedly' inside the Capitol making my way to Pelosi's office... which is a pretty good alibi in my mind!

Mike Dunleavy, Governor of Alaska / May 1st
Governor Dunleavy gave us a call and encouraged us and put a statement of support out on his Facebook page. We briefly met Mike several years ago when we were the host site for a fundraising event right before his election. Mike is really putting himself out there supporting Alaska becoming less dependent on the federal government and fighting for her sovereignty as a nation state. He's got a very tough road in the state right now. Alaska is the last Pacific coast state that isn't leftist, and the left wants this state too! Maybe that's part of this whole raid thing. Who knows?!

Fox News / Brie Stimson / May 1st
Didn't chat with this reporter, but they posted this article in preparation for live with Laura Ingram on Monday. Apparently, this article was in top story on the day they released it. Weird how your own story takes off and gets a life of its own without us even being part of it.

The Ingraham Angle / Laura Ingraham / May 3rd
Our interview starts at 7:26pm.
Laura Ingraham heard about our story and invited onto her show to share some of our story.
Laura Ingraham heard about our story and invited onto her show to share some of our story.

Associated Press / Mark Thiessen / May 5th
Associated Press is obviously a gamble, as was the Anchorage Daily News, both committed to a very leftist viewpoint and agenda. I took a gamble on it and decided to chat with Mark at AP. The article is kind to us though it has the usual leftist story about the Jan 6th events. TIP: I asked the reporter to send me a copy of my interview and he complied... both to help me remember the events myself, and to help keep him accountable to quote me accurately. Now I do that with any news agency I speak to that isn't live coverage of what I'm saying. But I don't think I will be taking those kinds of chances again. Not worth the grief. They can quote me from other sources if they are interested.

NewsMaxTV / Grant Stichfield / May 6th
We were also suprised to have Grant Stichfield of NewsMaxTV reach out to us for an interview, and honored to share live on his May 6th show. Our story starts at 47:28 minutes into the show. We were so tired from raising all day with business deadlines that we barely made it into our chairs before the mic and camera were turned on. Cameras are not my friends generally but I share it with you anyway.

The Blaze TV / Glenn Beck / May 7th
We were super honored to get to share our story with Glenn Beck on his Friday show live.

The Epoch Times / Zachary Stieber / May 7th
We were excited to speak with a reporter from Epoch Times, the only print newsource we follow. Zachary stayed very neutral and non-commital, as his article clearly reflects. The facts, just the facts ma'am. Lots of respect for these people! conservative news May 6th
En-Volve brings up a couple of very interesting points and posted the entire affidavit and warrant for you to read. We aren't making any comments about the warrant at this time, but grab a cup coffee, give it a read and see what you think!

Donald Trump Jr. / Rumble / May 9th
A fabulous rant and encouraging shout out to us. We will definately reach out for support! Many thanks! Clink below to hear Donald Jr. rant...

Rose Unplugged / Rose Tennent / May 11th
My introduction to Rose Tennent and loving her style. A great 30min interview time with Rose. Almost 2 weeks after the armed assault and my mind is more collected so I think I was clearer in my sharing... and message that we all need to become informed and empowered.

Rep. Jim Jordan grills FBI Director Christopher Wray "Why did you take their Constitution?"
June 10th at the FBI Congressional Oversight Hearings, ranking member Jim Jordan took up our cause with the FBI director himself! While important and, we hope, a wake-up call to Americans, he wasn't able to get any firm information on what's happened to our info, why they took our Consitution, and where it will go from here! So it's the wait and see game. Click below to see the full 5-minutes of pretty dare impressive questioning and much less impressive answers that go down!...

Nick Monroe at The Post Millennial news article June 10th... Wray interrogated over Alaska couple!
Many news agencies picked up on the story of Rep. Jim Jordan grilling FBI Direction. This piece by Nick Monroe stands out as accurate and posing some unique questions of his own. Go to the link below for the full article. A quick 2-minute read...

July 6, 2021 FOX NEWS The Ingraham Angle... "We feel like we're on a terror watch list!"
An honor to be invited back onto Laura's show! She does a great job with this short 5-minute segment.
We talk with her about the implications of The Constitution being seized as 'evidence' and our TSA interrogations on recent trip to a family funeral. (Laura looks fabulous and when I grow up I want to look as good as she does! We were still on the road for this Skype and it's obvious we need to get some better camera equipment for live interviews. Sorry for the fuzzy video. ugh!) Click below for video clip...
We talk with her about the implications of The Constitution being seized as 'evidence' and our TSA interrogations on recent trip to a family funeral. (Laura looks fabulous and when I grow up I want to look as good as she does! We were still on the road for this Skype and it's obvious we need to get some better camera equipment for live interviews. Sorry for the fuzzy video. ugh!) Click below for video clip...

Must Read Alaska article by Suzanne Downing / July 7, 2021 / TSA 'special' list
Suzanne does an amazing job with news in Alaska and has been attentive to our journey and supportive from the beginning. So appreciate her journalism!
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