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Marilyn Hueper

FBI Warrant Rebuttal filed with U.S. District Court

Updated: Aug 22, 2021

June 9th 2021, thirty-two days after the unsealing of the Warrant issued for Search and Seizure of our home, we filed a Rebuttal and Claim to the U.S. District Court in Anchorage where the warrant originated.

Although our electronics and our unmarked and unread, pocket copy of 'The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution' were returned to us via the U.S. Postal Service, we have heard nothing from the FBI directly, nor has our door been replaced, nor any apology been made, nor have we received any offer to make restoration to us for the S.W.A.T. style home invasion, nor the gunpoint incarceration in our home, nor the forced interrogations.

Of the multiple harms endured that day, the most disturbing was the FBI's choice to confiscate our simple, pocket copy of The Declaration of Independence as 'Evidence'! This morning during a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee, titled Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Congressman Jim Jordan had many great questions for FBI director, Christopher Wray, including 'Why did you take their copy of the Constitution?,' to which the FBI director would give no reason.

We knew by that one thing, that this is much more than looking for one Congress woman's missing laptop, or one unlawful warrant, or one outrageous S.W.A.T. style invasion. If a completely unmarked and unread Dollar Store, pocket copy of The Declaration of Independence and Constitution is considered by the FBI as 'Evidence" against us, than we are looking at the complete unraveling of the very fabric of our states and nation!

And equally disturbing is the fact that we are hearing from others about FBI unlawful invasions of Alaskans and other Americans who have been unjustly accosted, and most, if not all, have not known what to do about it. For this reason, it feels all the more important to make sure that we do not remain silent.

As we step out, it's our hope that many more will follow. Each American needs to begin holding our Civil Servants accountable to their Oaths to uphold and protect Our Rights. We The People are the only lawful oversight who can properly do so. But we have been off the job for too long, and as exemplified here, things have reached dire straights. We have to wake up and take appropriate lawful action as allowed by Our Constitution. If not us, who? If not now, when? We may not have much time left to act before Our Rights are confiscated from all of us... permanently!

June 9th 2021, thirty-two days after the unsealing of the Warrant issued for Search and Seizure of our home, we filed a Rebuttal and Claim to the U.S. District Court in Anchorage where the warrant originated.

Although our electronics and our unmarked and unread, pocket copy of 'The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution' were returned to us via the U.S. Postal Service, we have heard nothing from the FBI directly, nor has our door (although patched) been replaced, nor has any apology been made, nor have we received any offer to make restoration for the S.W.A.T. style home invasion, nor for the gunpoint incarceration in our home, nor for the forced interrogations.

Of the multiple harms endured that day, most disturbing was the FBI's choice to confiscate our simple, pocket copy of The Declaration of Independence as 'Evidence'! Yesterday morning during a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee, titled Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Congressman Jim Jordan had many great questions for FBI director, Christopher Wray, including 'Why did you take their copy of the Constitution?,' to which the FBI director would give no reason.

But we knew by that one thing, that this is much more than looking for one Congress woman's missing laptop, or one unlawful warrant, or one outrageous S.W.A.T. style invasion. The real story is that if a completely unmarked and unread Dollar Store, pocket copy of The Declaration of Independence and Constitution is considered by the FBI as any kind of 'Evidence" against us, than we are looking at the complete unraveling of the very fabric of our states and nation!

And equally disturbing is the fact that we are hearing from many others about FBI threats, invasions and unlawful interrogations of Alaskans and other Americans who have been unjustly accosted, and most, if not all, have not known what to do about it. For this reason, it feels all the more important to make sure that we do not remain silent.

Contact: Marilyn Hueper

907-299-8594 text preferred

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3 commenti

26 lug 2022

I think the CCP is already here and running many things. They "own" many of our govt and Congress people. It is our job to wake to this and throw them out. When the plandemic first started, I said then this will not fly with Americans! They're messing with the wrong people!!!! We won't take this!

Mi piace

Wendy Davis
Wendy Davis
26 lug 2021

I am heartbroken that we are here in this place in America - the land that I love. I never knew how great that love was until it became clear how much has been done in secret and under our noses to take away the freedoms and rights that many have fought and died for. I am sorry for what you and your friends as well as so many others are experiencing at the hands of an unchecked government but I am so thankful that you are sharing. I stand!

Mi piace

07 lug 2021

The FBI must be dissolved. The FBI has shown itself to be a rogue federal agency that uses communist Nazi tactics to harass American citizens.

Mi piace
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