United We
S T A N D .
Hi! This is Marilyn Hueper in Homer Alaska! Our home was unlawfully raided and we were held captive at gunpoint by the FBI on April 28, 2021. Ignorance of our Rights and the Law caused us to resign ourselves to their terrorism in our own home!
Unfortunately, this was not an isolated incident. Weaponized aggression by government agencies is growing! Because of this, I have committed myself to learning about my Rights, and how to exercise my Power, even in intense situations. And to Empower as many others as are willing.
Our civil servants have become totally out of control! We The People are the only lawful authority that can truly hold them in check. But we have got to wake up and become the bosses they need to keep them accountable and lawful... before it's too late.
Let's Learn together. Share with others. And Empower us all. We can do this if We The People STAND!

Our FBI Experience
WARNING! Do not do what we did! We made tons of 'mistakes' in dealing with the FBI that day. Listen to our story, but know that no matter how innocent or well meaning you may be, sharing ANY information with the FBI or other enforcement agency is always a very very VERY dangerous idea.
For the most part, people who join law enforcement agencies want to be peace keepers who uphold the law and protect individual Rights, but the system, pressure for expediency, and bad habits are usually colluding together to actually strip you of your Rights whenever they show up at your door.
We will be informing you what we 'should' have done that day as we learn more ourselves, in hopes that we and you will become more fully informed and empowered. But for now, give a listen and know that so far, we appear to have survived our own trusting ignorance... by the grace of God!

Our J6 Experience
There are so many 'stories' flying around about that very cold winter day in January. For us, and most of the hundreds of thousands of People who showed up for the 'Save America' rally in DC on January 6th, it was about getting to hear President Trump speak and about Peaceful Assembly with other like-minded Americans who were fearing the implications of the destruction of Lawful Elections in our states and nation.
Everyone who attended has their own story to tell and their own experience that day, but I believe for those who were there, there was one thing that over shadowed everything else... and it wasn't about what was going on inside of the Capitol building with the legislators or with the breach and resulting shenanigans by some people.
It was something much more profound. Much more impacting. Much more powerful. Something that is being suppressed and talked over, but cannot be erased. Too many of us were there. Too many of us are waking up. And too many of us already know...